Baldur’s Gate 3 offers a thrilling adventure, and while invisible enemies may not be abundant, encountering them can pose a challenge. Thankfully, the game provides several methods to detect and overcome these hidden foes, from magical spells to unique items like Volo’s Ersatz Eye, acquired in Act 1.
This comprehensive guide reveals how to unveil invisible enemies in Baldur’s Gate 3, ensuring you’re well-prepared to face any spectral adversaries. Some methods may be time-locked due to story progression, but rest assured, there are plenty of effective strategies to tackle this issue.
Seeing the Unseen in BG3
In the world of Baldur’s Gate 3, players have several options at their disposal to detect invisible enemies. To help you choose the best approach, this guide is divided into distinct sections, each covering a different method.
1. Obtain Volo’s Ersatz Eye
One of the most effective but somewhat rare methods is acquiring Volo’s Ersatz Eye. This unique artifact can be found during Act 1 when you encounter Volo at the goblin camp. After liberating him from captivity, you’ll have the opportunity to converse with Volo. He will offer his assistance in removing the Illithid parasite.
If you agree to his proposition, he will perform the procedure but unintentionally remove the main character’s eye in the process. As a gesture of apology, Volo will offer you his Ersatz Eye in exchange. Equipping it provides a permanent effect that allows you to perceive invisible creatures.
2. Spells and Scrolls
Magic is another more common means of unveiling invisible enemies. Players have ample opportunities to discover and utilize spells and scrolls designed for various purposes. This category encompasses both spells and scrolls, which we’ll explore in detail:
See Invisibility Spell: This is perhaps the most prevalent spell for revealing invisible entities. It’s a Level 2 Divination spell available to classes like Bard, Sorcerer, and Wizard. When cast, it unveils all nearby hidden foes, making them vulnerable to attack.
Scroll of See Invisibility: This scroll replicates the effect of the See Invisibility spell and is ideal for characters without access to the specified classes. Players can acquire these scrolls by diligently exploring the game world and purchasing them from merchants.
Faerie Fire Spell: An alternative to See Invisibility, Faerie Fire is accessible to classes such as Bard, Druid, or Drow. Casting this spell illuminates a specific area, rendering invisible creatures visible.
Light Spell / Daylight Spell: While these spells don’t unveil invisibility, they prove effective against foes in Shadow-Cursed Lands. These spells illuminate chosen areas, making it difficult for enemies to hide in the shadows.
If none of these options are viable, there is still another method at your disposal.
3. Area of Effect (AoE) Attacks
The final option is to employ Area of Effect (AoE) attacks. Although this approach may require time and patience, it doesn’t rely on spells or scroll expenditure. All that’s needed is to target a specific area with an AoE attack, which might reveal any hidden enemies lurking there.
This method resembles a game of Battleship, where players guess the location of the enemy ship. To succeed, you’ll need an AoE attack with a considerable range. If none come to mind, you can utilize the following Area of Effect spells:
- Arms of Hadar
- Fireball
- Web
Keep in mind that an invisible enemy revealed through an AoE attack may re-enter invisibility at the end of the round, making this method less effective than the others.
Excitingly, Baldur’s Gate 3 is available on PC and PS5, with an Xbox Series X version currently in development. Explore the game’s rich world, harness these strategies, and confront invisible enemies with confidence.
1. How can I obtain Volo’s Ersatz Eye in Baldur’s Gate 3?
- Volo’s Ersatz Eye can be acquired during Act 1 by rescuing Volo at the goblin camp. After performing a procedure, he’ll offer the eye as compensation.
2. Which classes can use the See Invisibility spell in BG3?
- The See Invisibility spell is accessible to classes like Bard, Sorcerer, and Wizard in Baldur’s Gate 3.
3. Where can I find a Scroll of See Invisibility in the game?
- Scrolls of See Invisibility can be found or purchased from various merchants within the game world.
4. What’s the alternative to the See Invisibility spell in Baldur’s Gate 3?
- An alternative to See Invisibility is the Faerie Fire spell, available to classes such as Bard, Druid, or Drow.
5. Do the Light and Daylight spells reveal invisible enemies in BG3?
- No, the Light and Daylight spells do not reveal invisibility but are effective against enemies in Shadow-Cursed Lands by illuminating their hiding spots.
6. Which characters can benefit from AoE attacks in Baldur’s Gate 3?
- Any character can use Area of Effect (AoE) attacks, but those with the longest range are most effective for revealing invisible enemies.
7. Is there an Xbox version of Baldur’s Gate 3 available?
- While Baldur’s Gate 3 is accessible on PC and PS5, an Xbox Series X version is currently under development, offering exciting prospects for players on this platform.